5 Good Reasons to Delete Facebook From Your Phone

facebook app

If you’re an avid social media user, you probably have the Facebook app on your smartphone. You can use Facebook to search recipes, communicate with friends, play games and get the latest news stories. It’s a convenient way to stay in the loop. But sometimes, having Facebook on your phone can do more harm than good.

Some people deactivate their Facebook accounts when they need a little break. If you don’t want to go as far as deactivation, deleting the app from your phone is just as effective. If you need a break from the constant news and gossip cycle, here’s a look at five reasons to remove Facebook from your phone.

1. Removing the app can lead to better time management.

Your days might be super busy and hectic. Whether you work, go to school or have a family, there’s little time to waste. If you have Facebook on your phone, you might spend too much time scrolling endlessly on your newsfeed.

Of course, Facebook isn’t a time waster for everyone. Some people know how to balance their usage. If you’re not one of these people, getting rid of the app removes the distraction. The app is a shortcut, making it easier to log into your account. If you don’t have the app, you would have to access Facebook through a web browser and enter your password each time. This takes a little more work. If you eliminate the shortcut, you’ll spend less time browsing and become more productive.

2. It helps you avoid the judgmental eye of internet users.

Facebook is a hotspot for young adults and nosy acquaintances. With your profile, you’re giving others access to your photos and comments. And one poor decision on your part could come back to haunt you, possibly using past behavior against you. Even if an incident occurred a long time ago, negative images of you online could remain on someone’s mind, including family, friends or someone interviewing you for a job.

3. You’re less likely to post something embarrassing.

Many people use Facebook while they’re in an extreme emotional state, ultimately embarrassing themselves. These people react impulsively when hurt, upset or angry, and end up spilling all of their business to the world.

Facebook rants, fights and vents are common—and basically serve as entertainment for the rest of us. I often wonder how many people later regret a rant after they’ve had time to think and collect themselves.

When you don’t have such quick and easy access to Facebook, you’re less likely to make this mistake, and you’ll spare yourself the embarrassment.

4. You can maintain privacy.

Getting rid of the Facebook app also helps maintain your privacy. When you have easy access to social media, you might be inclined to overshare your feelings, photos and location with your 100 not-so-close friends. Giving yourself a break from social media is a way to regain privacy and realize who your true friends are. Let’s be honest, you probably don’t consider half of the people on your newsfeed a close friend. So why share every event of your life with them?

5. Avoid negative energy.

Another benefit of getting rid of Facebook is avoiding negative energy. This comes in all forms. It might mean avoiding the person who makes offensive comments, the person who can’t stop talking about politics, or the person who constantly brags about their life. Reading these comments over and over could start to affect your happiness and peace of mind, like studies have shown happens to very active social media users. Facebook can be a platform for good, but it can also spawn endless negativity – so why not avoid it altogether?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms available, but this doesn’t mean you have to use it on a regular basis. Taking a breather can help you regain control of your time and help you become a more private person. Plus, deleting the app is easy and also easy to re-install, if you find that deleting it wasn’t very helpful or fruitful in the first place. No harm, no foul!



Posted on Monday, October 23rd, 2017