How have smartphones affected generations that grew up on social media and text messages? Generations before spent time with friends at the mall, riding a bike outside, at the roller rink or in parks. Are there any differences between the wired generation from those that came before them? Back Then Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, I remember my parents dropping me off at the roller rink on a Friday or Saturday night at the age of eight or nine. My mom would pull up to the door and shove 25 cents in my hand and tell me to call when I was ready to be picked up. I’d just barely catch her telling me she loved me and to be safe as I raced for the door and sweet, sweet freedom! I’d shove the quarter in the little pocket of my jeans, so I wouldn’t lose it, as the sound of Vanilla Ice welcomed me over the speakers and the smell of sweat attacked my nostrils. Over the years it became the location where the first boy held… Read more

A very popular accessory many of us would never leave the house without is our cell phones. If you’ve noticed, our favorite accessory has created a whole new expanded marketplace of smartphone accessories. Accessories to enhance our favorite accessory! Here are a few favorites. Screen Protector/Privacy Glass- When we carry our phones around all day, every day, we are bound to drop it eventually. We all know how it goes, we see it fall, we hear it make contact on the ground and we stare at it and hope that when we pick it up the screen will still be intact. We can help to increase the chances of scratch-free beforehand if we opt to cover our phones screen with a protective glass screen on top. This allows the protective screen to take the initial hit, increasing the chances that the phones actual screen may be saved. While you’re protective the glass, opt for the privacy glass kind and protect your personal information from others as well! Cases- Smartphones are not cheap, protect your investment with good, shock absorbing protective… Read more

Have you ever been in a situation where you can’t get a strong cell signal, perhaps while traveling, or camping, or in a large crowd? It can be very frustrating. You need to make a call or may even be on a call when, suddenly, the line gets dropped. Pretty soon you’re wandering around with your phone in the air looking like you’re offering it up as a sacrifice. We’ve all been there, so here are a few hacks that can help next time you find yourself in this position. Find an opening. Don’t let a building mess with your signal. If you are indoors with a weak single, locate a window, balcony or go outdoors. Finding some wide-open spaces could help you find some service bars! Reboot and re-try. Sometimes our electronics need to reboot, kind of like us when life gets a little hectic. Turn it off then turn it back on or flip your device to airplane mode for a few seconds, and your signal may improve. When all else fails, give this a shot. A new… Read more

It’s that time of the year again. Backpacks are full, pencils are stocked, and the school bells around America are ringing. There are several ways to use your smartphone to help make this school year easier and keep you on the road to success. Evernote Evernote is your note-taking guru. Not only can you take notes, but you can access them across all your devices. Capture ideas using notes, voice, and pictures. Archive your notes for later use if needed. The app also helps you keep track of your tasks and deadlines. Choose between the limited free app or go Pro for a cost. Evernote keeps everything safe and secure. Always be ready for exams or pop quizzes and study your notes from any device. iStudiez Pro iStudiez Pro helps you manage several class schedules, even those tough to remember bi-weekly and rotating classes. This app allows you to enter course details, instructions for assignments and even office hours for professors and teachers. iStudiez Pro is available for a cost but is worth it if you struggle with keeping several… Read more

Have you ever tried to access one of your accounts only to be denied for a wrong password? Then, you go through the whole “forgot my password” process, choose a new password and the system responds with, “new password cannot be the same as old password.” Frustrating, right? These days, it seems that we need a password for everything we do. It’s impossible to remember all of them. There are many password management apps and programs available, both free and at a cost, to help you keep them all straight. I’ve picked a couple here worth considering. Free Options LastPass LastPass is a more advanced free password management system that works over multiple devices. With an updated user interface and two-factor authentication, this is a more advanced program offered for free. LastPass also offers an actionable password strength report and automatic password change and also allows secure sharing. These are some great options for no cost! MyKi MyKi is a free password manager and is a little different because it stores your passwords right on your phone and not in… Read more
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