Getting a new cell phone might be the highlight of your week, especially if the phone has all the latest bells and whistles. But like any other electronic device, the newness eventually wears off; sooner or later, you find yourself looking for an upgrade. Because new phone models debut often, most people get a new phone every one to three years as technology improves. But naturally, the more you upgrade, the more likely you are to accumulate a collection of old phones. Rather than storing these older phones in a junk drawer, here’s how to put them to good use. 1. Trade In If your older phone remains in good condition, you might be able to trade in the phone for a discount on your new phone, or get store credit for merchandise. When trading in a phone isn’t an option, you can also sell the phone and pocket some extra cash. There's always someone looking to get their hands on an older, inexpensive cell phone. List your phone for sale on websites like eBay, Craigslist, Letgo or even Facebook… Read more

Tired of being a couch potato? Are you ready to lose some pounds? Packing on the weight is certainly easier than losing it, especially since our metabolism slows down as we become older. Between work, school, family and life, physical fitness can fall by the wayside. But getting older and becoming busier is no reason to ignore good health. Even when you know the importance of being physically active, you might need a little motivation to get moving. The good thing about a cell phone is that the motivation you need fits right in the palm of your hand. There are several apps designed to help you become more physically fit. Whether you’re looking to drop pounds, build muscle tone or improve your overall well-being, these four apps will point you in the right direction. 1. Lose It Regardless of whether you need to lose 50, 30 or 10 pounds, reaching your weight loss goal can be a challenge, especially if you love food and don't have a lot of time for exercise. The Lose It app, however, provides the spark you need… Read more

Cell phones have, without a doubt, made our lives easier and more convenient. Besides making phone calls and texting, we use them to pay bills, book airline tickets, run our businesses and get the latest news. But with this much power in our hands, it's easy to become distracted at the wrong times. According to the National Safety Council, “distractions are a top factor in fatal car crashes.” Despite knowing the importance of keeping their eyes on the road, many drivers can’t resist the urge to reach for their phones while driving or send a text message. Ideally, we should avoid phone conversations while driving. The less multitasking we do behind the wheel, the better. But sometimes, a call can’t wait. If you must take a phone call while driving, here are a few tips for staying hands-free and safe. 1. Use your phone’s voice command. If you think back 10 or 11 years, you likely never imagined having so much control in the palm of your hand. Cell phones have evolved into little computers, offering more and more features with… Read more

Cell phone cameras have improved tremendously over the past 15 years, so much so that some people have ditched their digital cameras altogether. Between better resolution, automatic filters and other enhanced features, cell phones are capable of producing stunning pictures, whether you’re shooting a selfie or want to capture a special event. Even though cell phones can produce some of the best photos taken, there are certain tricks to getting the perfect shot. Start taking better photos with these prize-worthy shooting tips. 1. Clean your camera lens. This is a simple, yet often forgotten tip. Cleaning your camera’s lens might be the farthest thing from your mind, but a clean lens can be the difference between an amazing shot and a terrible one. Cleaning the lens on a regular basis makes sense considering how we toss our phones into our pockets, purses, book bags and constantly touch the lens with our hands. As a result, the lens becomes a magnet for dirt, fingerprints and dust. The more grime on your hands, the harder it’ll be to take an incredible photo.… Read more

Whether you're visiting family or traveling for business or pleasure, taking a trip abroad can be an exciting time. You might look forward to exploring the local culture and touring well-known landmarks. At the same time, you might feel a measure of anxiety about being in a foreign country and not being able to communicate effectively back home with your friends and loved ones. Will your cell phone work? Will you incur insanely high costs for using it abroad? Are there better international plans you could be taking advantage of? Having a cell phone abroad is convenient and it’ll certainly make your travels easier. Decades ago, this was unheard of, but today, there are plenty of ways to use a cell phone while in another country and we're here to ease some of those mobile fears you may have. Follow these tips before your trip to save yourself a lot of headaches and ensure you aren't stuck in another country without service. 1. Get a prepaid SIM card. If you have an unlocked cell phone, one option is purchasing a… Read more